Hi, I am Prateek Mehra

back-end dev

a picture of me smiling

Who I am

Backend Dev Based Out Of India

I'm an undergraduate student at MNNIT Allahabad interested in solving problems involving the use of Data Structures and Algorithms. I've been a regional qualifier of the International Collegiate Programming Contest and have solved more than 1000 problems on different competitive programming platforms. In my side projects, I've also delved a bit into the fields of Machine Learning, Web Development and Data Analysis.

My experience includes working in Glabbr Technologies as a Software Development Intern from March-May 2021 wherein I worked on creating, testing and deploying RESTful APIs built around the controller-service-repository architecture for the BOM Service involving graph traversals. I also designed cypher queries for the service on neo4j and successfully integrated them with the code base post performing unit testing involving corner cases.

another image of mine

What I do

Data Analysis + Machine Learning

All of my projects involve the use of data analysis in some form. Whether it be exploratory data analysis of a dataset fetched from websites like kaggle, or developing a basic mathematical algorithm based on a few features extracted from the dataset, I've been exploring it all. Moreover, I've also performed cross validation and feature engineering to select the best hyperparameters for my models based on algorithms like the RandomForestRegressor, post understanding the background working of the algorithm.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Throughout my college years, I've been participating in competitive programming contests offline and online. Visualizing the working of an algorithm and trying to employ patterns and observations made through continuous analysis of the ongoing process, in order to optimise the time and space taken to solve a problem, is the part I like the most about problem solving involving the use of advanced data structures and algorithms. Problem solving also leads us to tweak our creative thinking ability by making us try to employ different methods to solve a particular problem, which also leads to a better critical thinking mind in the long run, another aspect that I love about solving computational problems.

My Work

A selection of my range of work